Dyslexia & ADHD Short Film Festival & Discussion
Date: Thursday, October 14th
Time: 6:30 - 8:30PM
Place: Lexington Community Center Tent
MICAL Set in Bristol, England in 1977, a gripping true story of a boy who struggles to read and whose mother takes matters into her own hands to help her son learn how to read and fulfill his true potential. I Can't Do This But I Can Do That An inspiring account of children with the Learning Differences of dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, ADHD and auditory processing disorders who are grappling with the long-term realities of their learning differences, while using their strengths to overcome their learning struggles with resolve and tenacity. The documentary encourages students, families and teachers to look beyond labels and discover the gifts each child possesses.
Set in Bristol, England in 1977, a gripping true story of a boy who struggles to read and whose mother takes matters into her own hands to help her son learn how to read and fulfill his true potential.
I Can't Do This But I Can Do That
An inspiring account of children with the Learning Differences of dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, ADHD and auditory processing disorders who are grappling with the long-term realities of their learning differences, while using their strengths to overcome their learning struggles with resolve and tenacity. The documentary encourages students, families and teachers to look beyond labels and discover the gifts each child possesses.
146 Maple St, Lexington MA, 02421
LexSEPAC and LexSEPTA encompasses both the Parent Advisory Council for children with special needs in Lexington, MA and Lexington’s special education PTA.