Dyslexia Parents Group - Evening Meeting
Tuesday, April 2, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Lexington Community Center, Room 221
Join us for our monthly evening meeting, this month in person at the Community Center. Our Dyslexia Parents Group is open to Lexington parents who have a child struggling to read and/or write and who need information on how to best support them from an amazing and supportive group of parents. No matter where your child is on their journey - from just starting to realize they learn differently, to having a diagnosis of dyslexia/language based learning disability and receiving support services, please join us. We are a subgroup of the Lexington Special Education Parent Teacher Association/Parent Advisory Council, LexSEPTA/SEPAC (www.lexsepta.org)
No RSVP is necessary, but we encourage you to join our Google Group, where we post reminders of meetings and events. You can ask to join the Google Group by sending an email to lexdyslexia@gmail.com
146 Maple St, Lexington MA, 02421
LexSEPAC and LexSEPTA encompasses both the Parent Advisory Council for children with special needs in Lexington, MA and Lexington’s special education PTA.