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Join us

Joining LexSEPTA benefits you and your family by connecting you to a wealth of information, hands on knowledge from other parents, and provides support in navigating the world of special education and accommodation plans in our schools.  Sign up on the secure online form below, we look forward to welcoming you to the Special Education Parent Community.

If you'd like to make a donation without joining, or would like to make an additional donation, click here.

Select membership level

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* Membership level

Below are some of  the many benefits we offer:

  • Attend parent coffees with Evaluation Team Supervisors , school committee members, other parents and share information.

  • Reach out to your school SEPAC liaison, a fellow parent with a child in your school, they are there to help direct you and offer support.

  • Attend LexSEPTA sponsored workshops and events, targeted to help parents understand more about the needs their children endeavour.

  • Join a support group, led by dedicated parents, to support and educate each other. You will be added to member only listservs to reach out to others for information and advice.

  • Receive emails with key information about special education in LPS, invitations to parent meetings with school committee liaisons, special education administrators and more.
  • Show your thanks to our teachers and staff, your contribution helps towards our annual Teacher Appreciation event.
  • Have your say, attend public SEPAC business meetings and raise any ideas or concerns you may have about the programming in your school, or send us an email.

We operate solely from the generous donations from our members. Money raised goes toward the operating costs to facilitate our supportive parent community and enables us to provide quality speaker events and workshops. Please consider making a donation when you join. 

Make your Donation Go Twice as Far

Did you know many companies offer a matching gift program to encourage philanthropy among their employees?

Please consider doubling your donation by saving your receipt and checking to see if you or your spouse’s employer offers this.  When applying for a matching grant, you may need to provide information about the Lexington SEPAC or add this as an organization if it is not already listed on your employer's website.  You can search for your employer here to see if they participate in a matching program: Please see below for the information that may requested by your employer:

Name of Organization: Lexington Special Education PTA  

Note: Our organization may also be listed  as "PTA MASSACHUSETTS PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION INC"

Main Address: 146 MAPLE ST LEXINGTON, MA, USA 02420


Contact Email:

Contact Name: Co-Chairs at LexSEPTA

EIN*: 45-3847786

Note: The EIN could be referred to as other things such as "Registration ID" or "Tax Exemption #"


146 Maple St, Lexington MA, 02421

LexSEPAC and LexSEPTA encompasses both the Parent Advisory Council for children with special needs in Lexington, MA and Lexington’s special education PTA.

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